1. Frequently Asked Questions about an Ecovillage on the Front Range - here
  2. Wikipedia Entry on "Eco-village" - wikipedia
  3. Here's a great set of "Frequently Asked Questions" / FAQ about Cohousing - wikipedia - FAQ
  4. German example of an Eco-town with different neighborhoods or pods - here
  5. Another Eco-town project for Durango, CO - neighborhoods - farming - local architect - Twin Buttes Eco-Village
  6. Another Eco-town project outside Atlanta - 3 hamlets - rich founder - Serenebe 
  7. Large "eco-village" projects in the news in UK - here and here
  8. An American "Eco-village" with cohousing and developer portions in Virginia (2001 start,$500k) - here
  9. Global Ecovillage Network - here  juicy articles from them - here
  10. The famous Ithica Eco-village of New York state has a new third neighborhood forming - Tree - here
  11. Diana Leafe Christian's Book on starting community - outline (points to consider) - here - amazon
  12. Lessons in Village Design- Earthhaven village - web article
  13. Funny story about a "lost" / "hidden" eco-village in the UK - here
  14. A long article on a British government initiative to build 10 weak "eco-towns": why and what went wrong  - here

...or this New York banker below will be happy to stamp out another
generic 20th century house for a nice $30,000 "marketing" fee. :)


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